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Nail Fungus Laser Aftercare

Nail fungus laser aftercare is essential in preventing toenail fungus from coming back. Once you have decided to receive laser treatment for your toenail fungus, you have made the first step towards finally being cured of this condition. Laser treatments are great because they come with significantly fewer risks than other treatment options. And are usually more effective at curing the fungus itself! Lasers work by eliminating all fungus under the nail. The PinPointe laser does this with just one treatment. Following the treatment, there are some important aftercare steps you should take.

Why aftercare is important post-treatment

The main point of aftercare post-laser treatment, especially the PinPointe laser treatment, is to simply prevent reinfection. Since the nail fungus laser kills all of the fungi in one treatment, the goal after that is to just prevent any new fungal infection of the nail. There are a few areas where aftercare can be effective, and each is important for protecting your results. 

The first place where fungus might be able to reinfect your nails is your skin. While your nails were infected with fungus, it is possible that some of the fungal spores latched onto the skin around your nails. The best way to treat fungus in this area is to apply an antifungal foot cream to the skin of the feet.


Aftercare should also include regularly disinfecting your shoes with fungus. Sweaty shoes and socks are great environments for fungal growth. It is important to make sure you keep your shoes and socks clean. Antifungal shoe sprays can be effective to remove fungus from your shoes daily.

Lastly, it is important to protect the actual nail from infection. Using a clear antifungal nail solution daily as part of your aftercare will ensure that fungus can’t get through the nail into the nail bed.

These measures are most effective when combined with effective laser treatment, especially the PinPointe laser. To schedule a consultation with a podiatrist for the PinPointe laser treatment, give us a call at 1-(800) 672-0625 or visit our website for more information.


Laser Treatment for nail fungus
