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Are Ingrown Nails Hereditary?

A common question that is doctors always get is Are Ingrown Nails Hereditary? Did you know that ingrown toenails are one of the most common problems that podiatrists and foot specialists see in their clinics? That’s right, common cases include improper trimming or filing of the nail, damage or trauma, shoes that are fitted incorrectly, and fungal infections.

One of the leading factors of ingrown nails is simply your genetics. If the natural shape of the nail is more horseshoe-like rather than flat. Then it’s more typical for the sides of the nails to dig into the skin. Attempting to fix an ingrown nail can sometimes allow for infection. And can almost always leave a small piece of the nail if done incorrectly which can irritate the condition.

There is good news though, fixing ingrown nails can be very simple with an easy procedure done in your podiatrist’s office. If needed, the toe is numbed with a local anesthetic. Once that is done your toe is left with no feeling during the duration of the nail extraction. If you have chronic ingrown nail problems your podiatrist may use a chemical to kill the root of the nail to prevent it from returning to cause future problems.

Don’t forget to trim your nails in a generally straight line across the nails and round corners for the edges. Also, make sure not to let your nails grow too long. Keeping your nails long can invite shoe and sock dust and dirt as well as the build-up of fungus and bacteria underneath the nail. Be sure to always wear comfortable shoes, never anything that is too tight or restraining. And be sure to wash your feet with soap and water while changing your socks regularly!

Let us help you

Our toenail doctors will consult you first and give you the best treatment options. To schedule a free consultation, call us at (800) 672-0625 or visit our website for more information.
