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Artificial Nails cause Nail Fungus

Can I get nail fungus from a nail salon?

In 2009, The World Health Organization published guidelines that state that all direct patient care and health care workers are prohibited to apply artificial nails. The CDC also published a similar guideline. This blog will discuss how and why artificial nails cause nail fungus. This is important to read before your next visit to the nail salon.

Why do Artificial Nails cause Nail Fungus?

Nails are altered and filed down before the artificial nail is glued on. This might cause fungus to start growing in between the nail layers. Nail polish makes a perfect environment for fungus to thrive.

Another reason that you might get a fungal infection from a nail salon might be caused by unsanitized tools. Some nail salons may not properly clean all their tools between clients. This causes fungus to spread between clients.

In addition, fungus most commonly grows when artificial nails do not fit properly. When artificial nails are attached and have lifted corners, this space allows water to penetrate. And a moist, dark space is a perfect environment for fungus to replicate.

Additionally, when applying fake nails at home, make sure that the fake nail is a perfect fit. Do not leave any lifted corners or edges.

How to prevent Nail Fugus from Artificial Nails?

The first step is to find a clean nail salon that sterilizes all their tools properly for their clients. Also, nail techs should wash their hands or change gloves between clients.

Make sure the artificial nails fit perfectly to your nails. Do not leave any gaps between the nail and the fake nail. This will keep any moisture from forming between the nail layers. And if your hands tend to sweat a lot or are always around moisture it’s best for you to not have acrylic nails. This is because water may deteriorate the glue and cause the artificial nails to lift.

Three Ways to Treat Nail fungus caused by Artificial Nails

  1. Remove artificial nails and keep natural nails trimmed. Keeping natural nails covered will just make the infection worse.
  2. Using tea tree oil may naturally help to kill the fungus.  This may also keep the fungus from spreading.
  3. Laser treatment for nail fungus is the most effective way to get rid of a fungal infection. Our doctors in New York, NY recommend this treatment. The PinPointe Laser treatment has the highest cure rate in the market. It has no side effects and no recovery period. As a result, you can go about your daily activities right after the treatment. Also, there’s no pain. If you have any signs of nail fungus, call us at (800) 672-0625 at our Philadelphia, PA location. Visit our website for more information on our doctors at one of our over 150 locations.