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Bleaching Toenail Fungus

before laser treatment and after laser treatment

Bleaching Toenail Fungus is a treatment for a nail fungal infection that is very popular. This is because nail fungus infections have a stigma and make people embarrassed. Many people that have nail fungus hide it from everyone around them. Since nail fungal infections are usually aesthetic in nature people don’t seek treatment right away. Or people try to find an easy at-home treatment. These at-home treatments are tempting because they don’t require a visit to a doctor. Additionally, many of the recommendations only require household products. Bleaching, a technique recommended by some nonprofessionals on the internet, is a very unsafe way to treat fungus.

Consequences for bleaching toenail fungus

Bleaching toenail fungus is not recommended by nail doctors in Los Angeles. Bleach is a cleaning product. Its primary intent is to clean surfaces. The chemicals in bleach are very harmful when they come in contact with the skin directly. Bleaching any part of your body with Clorox bleach can cause chemical burns and irritation. If your skin is burned by bleaching it, this can actually lead to another infection. 

Bleaching your toenail is also ineffective at treating the fungus itself. If you use bleach on your toe, you will damage it without any positive results. Not only is bleach ineffective at penetrating through to the nail bed, but it also isn’t properly antifungal.

Sometimes, bleaching is recommended in combination with soaking your feet. While soaking your feet in warm water is helpful at softening the toenail, adding bleach to the mixture is unnecessary. Doing so will only irritate your skin.

Bleaching is a bad idea for treating toenail fungus. If you would like to eliminate the fungus from underneath your nail safely, there is an option out there for you. The PinPointe laser penetrates through the nail to kill fungus in the nail bed in just one treatment. This treatment is great because it doesn’t use any chemicals and has no side effects. To schedule a consultation with a licensed podiatrist for the PinPointe laser, give us a call at 1-(800) 672-0625 or visit our website for more information.
