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Cheesy Smell from Toenails

The cheesy smell from toenails is an indication that a fungus may have infected the nail bed. This infection is very common and happens frequently in athletes. Athletes tend to have sweatier feet, and fungus thrives in moist damp environments. Locker rooms are also breeding grounds for toenail fungus. 

Nail fungus symptoms

A cheesy smell from your feet indicates a toenail fungus if it comes from the nails rather than the foot itself. If the smell is still there after washing your feet, it is likely coming from the nails. The smell from toenail fungus usually worsens while trimming your nails, since the fungus becomes exposed to air in the process.

The cheesy smell is caused by the fungus spores themselves, which infect the nail bed. They grow under the nail and can cause a buildup of debris. This debris can flake away and look like brown, tan, or yellow dirt or cheese. Fungal debris carries the scent with it. 

Removing the cheesy smell from toenails

Cheesy Smell from Toenails can be attempted to be covered up with deodorants and frequent washing. However, the only way to truly remove the smell is by treating the infection. This should be done by a licensed podiatrist since they are doctors who specialize in the feet. They will diagnose your condition and give you an effective treatment plan.

Curing cheesy smell from toenails could also improve how your nails look. If the fungus under your nails has damaged the nail itself, it might look brittle or discolored. Treating the fungus will enable a healthy, clear nail to grow in the damaged nail’s place.

The most efficient way of treating cheesy smell from toenail fungus is with the PinPointe laser. This laser treatment requires only one use to eliminate all of the fungus. It is also FDA-approved and has no side effects or downtime. To schedule a consultation with a licensed podiatrist for the PinPointe laser, give us a call at 1-(800) 672-0625 or visit our website for more information.
