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Nail Fungus Common Causes

Nail fungus can come in many forms. It can attack people of all ages and can target one area or multiple areas of the body. However, there are ways that make you more of a prime candidate for infectious disease. Below are just a few ways and risk factors that will cause this:

  1. Age: Although people of all ages can get nail fungus, the older you are the more likely you are to develop nail fungus. This occurs more commonly in elderly adults 50 and above. This is due in large part to decreased blood flow. Also, reduced speed of nail growth, and more years spent exposed to fungi.
  2. Perspiration: Sweat and clamminess are just the places nail fungus like to thrive off of. Make sure to keep your feet as clean and dry as possible at all costs.
  3. Gender: Interestingly enough men are more likely to develop a nail infection than women. Why? This is most likely due to certain professions and sports. Women also have fewer sweat glands than men, so this definitely increases their susceptibility.
  4. Humidity: Humid environments cause a moistening in the air and atmosphere around them. Jobs like bartending or dishwashing or housekeeping will make your hands warmer and give light to fungi.
  5. Communal areas: Swimming pools, showers, jacuzzis, locker rooms, gyms, etc. all have bacteria and fungi thriving off their surfaces since they are both moist and warm. Make sure to wear flip-flops or sandals when walking in these areas to prevent catching nail fungus here.
  6. Shoes: Poorly fitting shoes will cause the nails to cram (if shoes are too tight) or hit against the shoe repeatedly (if too big). This causes trauma to the nail, therefore causing inflammation and lack of blood flow, and finally an infection known as nail fungus.
  7. Prior health conditions: Some prior health conditions such as diabetes and psoriasis can also make you prone to nail fungus. To tackle this and prevent catching nail fungus as a result of these conditions, make sure to stay in touch with your podiatrist to catch any problems early on.

If you have caught nail fungus for any of the reasons above, contact us to schedule a free consultation with one of our doctors. We have over 150 clinics nationwide, including Dallas, TX. 
