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Common Concerns About Toenail Fungus

eliminate nail fungus with doctor

When you start to notice the signs of toenail fungus, it is common to be concerned. This is an infection that causes unsightly damage to the nail, and can be hard to get rid of. While some concerns are valid when it comes to toenail fungus, some common concerns are fueled by misconceptions. These misconceptions can often make toenail fungus seem scary, and some can even put you at risk of danger. To clear up these misconceptions, here are some answers to common concerns with toenail fungus.

The first common concern about nail fungus is that it means you’re dirty or unhygienic. Nail fungus can infect anybody, no matter how careful and clean they keep their feet. This fungus is common and easily spread between people. While it is more likely to affect those with poor hygiene, it is not indicative of poor hygiene by itself. 

Another of the common concerns is that the fungus is contagious. This is true! If you have a fungus infection on your nails, please take care to avoid walking barefoot in public spaces. Additionally, you should avoid sharing socks or shoes with other people until your fungus is cured.

One of the common concerns about toenail fungus is that it is very hard to treat successfully, or requires surgery. This is true in certain respects; it is hard to treat nail fungus with at home treatments, and topical antifungals given by doctors are often weak. The most common prescription for nail fungus is an oral medication, which comes with big risks of liver toxicity and other side effects. Additionally, these oral prescriptions are often not effective. However, there are treatments that are effective and safe! The PinPointe laser typically requires only one treatment to cure the fungus and has no side effects or pain. To schedule an appointment with a licensed podiatrist for the laser treatment, give us a call at 1-(800) 672-0625 or visit our website for more information.
