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Contagious Nail Fungus

Nail fungus can be more contagious than you might think. Nail fungus is a very common condition that is often found between members of the same family or social group. This is because of one key component of the fungal infection: it is very contagious! The fungus can spread easily because of its nature. It is important to know how to avoid contaminating people you are close to. This way, you can take habitual steps to avoid initial infection with fungus and avoid spreading the fungus whether you’re aware you have it or not!

Contagious Nail Fungus

Toenail fungus easily spreads between people who spend a lot of time together because the fungus uses surfaces to contaminate other individuals. The fungus likes to attach itself from someone who is infected onto surfaces like the floor or nail clippers. Because it is contagious, when someone who isn’t infected touches the surface where the fungus resides, it has the opportunity to infect someone new. The fungus then has a new host that it can use to grow, reproduce, and continue to be contagious!

The contagious fungus spread usually happens in a few places. Public spaces like locker rooms commonly have fungus on the floor since so many people walk around them barefoot. Locker room floors also benefit from fungus by being damp and sweaty. However, fungal spread often occurs in your home! By sharing shoes, socks, or nail clippers with the people you live with, you risk giving them fungus. The easiest way to avoid contagious fungal spread is to be aware of when and where you are barefoot, and avoid sharing personal items like nail clippers with anybody else.

Laser Treatment

Some treatment options include topical solutions that have a very low success rate. Another option is an oral medication that can cause liver toxicity. However, if you do catch a toenail fungus your best option is to get an FDA-approved treatment immediately to avoid spreading it to anybody else. The best treatment available is the PinPointe laser, which typically requires only one session.

Our nail doctor in Brooklyn, NY recommends laser treatment. It has the highest cure rate on the market. Also, there are no side effects and no recovery period. As a result, you can go about your daily activities right after the treatment. Also, it is not painful. To schedule a consultation with a podiatrist specialized in the PinPointe laser treatment, give us a call at 1-(800) 672-0625 or visit our website for more information.
