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Nail Fungus Treatment Dangers

Nail fungus treatment dangers do not apply to all treatments but are common in others. There are a lot of different treatment options for nail fungus available. Some of these treatments come with significant risks including liver failure. Nail fungus is a tricky condition to treat, and the strength of treatments available for it can sometimes pose dangers of bodily harm. It is extremely important to know all the side effects of all the different treatment options before picking the treatment for you. This blog will help you understand the different types of treatments and the dangers that some of these treatments pose.

Riskiest treatment

The treatment for toenail fungus that comes with the most risk of dangers is oral antifungal medications. These medications are commonly prescribed by podiatrists, dermatologists, and other physicians to treat nail fungus. This is because oral antifungals are the most effective of traditional treatments for fungus (not including lasers). The cure rate for these treatments is about 60%. While these medications are more effective than topical treatments, the dangers they can bring with them can be severe.

It is hard to comprehend why someone would even consider taking such high-risk medication and also why doctors would even prescribe it to patients. I don’t think it’s worth risking your life to get rid of some discoloration on your toenails.

Side effects of oral medication for nail fungus

Side effects from these medications include feeling sick, headaches, and rashes. Additionally, these medications can have side effects like diarrhea, flatulence, abdominal pain, and indigestion. They can also have the dangers of causing an allergic reaction or severe skin reaction. And the worst part of it all is it can result in liver failure and even death. This is a very serious concern that can be risky, especially for patients who have pre-existing conditions affecting liver function. In addition to all the dangers, your doctor will also require you to do regular blood screenings during the course of the medication.

Risk-free treatment option

While oral antifungals carry risks of dangerous side effects, nail fungus laser treatment does not. Our nail fungus laser treatment is the most effective toenail fungus treatment on the market and comes with no risks of side effects. There isn’t any pain associated with the treatment, and you can resume regular activity immediately with no downtime. To schedule a free consultation with a licensed nail doctor in Tampa, FL for the PinPointe laser treatment, give us a call at 1-(800) 672-0625 or visit our website for more information.
