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Dangers of Oral Anti-fungal Medication

The dangers of oral anti-fungal medication are explained in this blog. It is important to know what treatment options should be avoided at all costs. Treatments for toenail fungus come in different forms. And all with their own pros and cons. It is up to the individual to make the decision to get treatment for toenail fungus and the decision of which treatment to receive. However, you should be informed about all of the treatment options available before you make this decision. Most of the treatments available are safe, but some can come with dangerous side effects. Some of these side effects may even result in liver failure. Before you start taking oral antifungal medications for fungus, you should understand the dangers that can come with them.

How does oral medication works?

Oral medications for toenail fungus work by distributing antifungal chemicals throughout the bloodstream. Once ingested, the body absorbs the antifungals in the pill by digesting it. Then processes them in the liver. Because the antifungal agents have to pass through the liver before they get to the toes, these medications can cause liver damage in some people. These treatments require blood tests before and during the course of medication to avoid damage to the liver. And even with all the precautions taken, people still experience liver failure. And not to mention other very common side effects such as constant headaches, upset stomach, nausea, diarrhea, and even loss of taste.

More dangers come with oral medication for fungus because of their potential to interact with other drugs. Since these medications are distributed throughout the entire body as they kill fungus under the nail, they can react with other medications that are being taken at the same time. Because of this, any podiatrist prescribing oral antifungal medications should determine if they are safe for every patient to take.

Are these side effects worth it?

Oral medications are often ineffective at treating toenail fungus. These medications have a cure rate of around 60%. This cure rate might be higher when compared to trying topical medications but it doesn’t compare to laser treatment. Laser treatment offered at Laser Nail Therapy has a cure rate of 85%.

Fortunately, there are effective and safe treatments available for toenail fungus. The best treatment for toenail fungus is the FDA-approved toenail fungus laser treatment.  Our laser in Dallas, Tx typically requires only one treatment to kill the fungus. This laser treatment has no side effects, pain, or downtime. To schedule a consultation with a podiatrist for the PinPointe laser treatment, give us a call at 1-(800) 672-0625 or visit our website for more information.
