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Toenail Fungus Prevention

Fungus is everywhere in the environment but some people are more susceptible to infections. If you have diabetes, going through chemotherapy, or have a compromised immune system, you should read this blog. We will help you avoid situations that will put you at higher risk of a nail fungus infection.

If toenail fungus is worrisome to you, you should take steps to actively prevent toenail fungus. 

5 Easy steps to do to Prevent Nail fungus

  1. Wash your feet: While water does not kill fungus, washing your feet is a good way to prevent toenail fungus because it washes away dirt and debris and on your feet that the fungus can thrive on, and may also wash away fungal spores that you have come into contact with if you have not gotten infected with.
  2. Tend to your shoes: One of the top places you can catch toenail fungus is from your own shoes. This is because when your feet sweat, it creates a dark and damp environment for fungus to thrive. To prevent toenail fungus in this way, you should alternate shoes instead of wearing the same pair every day. Spray antifungal spray into your shoes at night.
  3. Don’t go barefoot: Many people catch toenail fungus by failing to wear footwear at public places such as gym showers, saunas, and poolside at public pools. Wearing flip-flops is a very easy way to prevent toenail fungus in these spaces. You should also wear shoes whenever you use a communal yoga mat at the gym.
  4. Be careful at the nail salon: make sure the salon replaces or sterilizes all tools.
  5. Sterilize your nail tools: Another way to prevent toenail fungus is to prevent fungal spores from collecting on your nail clippers and other tools by not sharing them, and properly sterilizing them. You can read our blog post here to learn how to effectively clean your nail tools and prevent toenail fungus from developing from them. Make sure that your tools are always dry after cleaning.

Treatment Options for Nail Fungus

There are three major treatment options for treating a toenail fungus infection. The first one is topical medication. This option is the easiest but least effective. Topical medication fails to have high cure rates because the medicine is not able to penetrate through the nail to kill nail fungus in the nail bed. The next option is the pills. Our nail doctors typically advise against this treatment option. This is due to the risk of side effects. Some side effects include liver failure. We don’ think that getting rid of nail fungus is worth risking your life. And last but not least are the laser treatments for nail fungus. In our clinics, we use the PinPointe Footlaser. It is the most effective treatment option.

If despite your best efforts, you were unable to prevent toenail fungus, you can easily get it treated using one of our clinics near you. To cure your nail fungus, you can schedule a free consultation with a doctor at one of over 150 locations – including Charlotte, NC – by calling 1-(800) 672-0625.
