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Efficacy of the PinPointe Laser

The efficacy of the PinPointe Laser is the highest in the market. Toenail fungus is often a tricky condition to treat, and there are many options available to try and cure it. Most of them have been successful for at least some people. There are definitely differences in their respective abilities to eliminate the fungus from your nail bed. Because toenail fungus tends to be difficult to remove and is an unsightly and contagious condition, you should seek the most effective treatment on the market. If you have found the PinPointe laser while researching toenail fungus treatment, you are on the right track to being cured. The efficacy of this laser is the best available.

Laser Treatment and Other Options

The PinPointe laser is able to cure most patients with just one treatment session. This high rate of efficacy is impressive when compared to other treatments. For example, because of the low efficacy of other lasers on the market, they require four or more treatments to be able to cure the fungus. When compared to oral medications, the efficacy of the PinPointe laser stands out even more. Oral medications require months of daily ingestion to have any effect on the fungus at all. Topicals require even longer, sometimes up to a year.

Even when these medications and other lasers are applied or used for their respective lengths of time, they have a lower cure rate than the PinPointe laser. Oral medication can also lead to liver toxicity. You would need to get a blood test throughout taking the medication.

Effectiveness of Laser Treatment

While no medical treatment ever has a 100% cure rate, the PinPointe laser gets pretty close at 85%. Our nail doctor in Las Vegas, NV recommends the laser treatment. This is much higher than the cure rates of other treatments; some topical medications have as low as a 1% cure rate for fungus. There is no recovery period. There are no side effects and it is not painful. You can go about your daily activities right after treatment. The Pinpointe laser should be done by doctors who are licensed to work on feet; to schedule a consultation with one of these doctors, give us a call at 1-(800) 672-0625 or visit our website for more information.
