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Eliminate Toenail Fungus!

smelly toenail treatment

Toenail fungus infection is a very common nail condition. It affects about 20% of the general population and almost 80% of the elderly population. Treatment and cure have proven to be challenging. Oral prescription drugs are somewhat promising. However, these medications are invasive and have harmful side effects. In recent years, Laser Treatment has been introduced as an FDA cleared treatment for the treatment of nail fungus. Book a visit with one of our NYC’s Podiatrists and toenail fungus specialists at Lasser Nail Therapy to have your toenail fungus eliminated.

Symptoms of Toenail Fungus

The most common symptoms of toenail fungus are thickening and discoloration of the toenails. The toenails often become brittle and distorted in shape. This condition is also commonly accompanied by a foul smell. The smell sometimes resembles smelly cheese.

Toenail fungus might commonly resemble psoriasis, bruising under the nails, and or melanoma of the skin/nails.

Best Treatment for Toenail fungus

Due to the nature of toenail fungus, it has been notoriously difficult to treat. Though treatments for toenail fungus such as oral and topical medications exist, they either have possible negative effects or low cure rates. Currently, the best treatment for toenail fungus which is both safe and very effective is laser therapy. Our doctors create a patient-specific laser treatment protocol that involves killing the fungi and the fungal spores. We also focus on preventing re-infection in the future.

Common Questions about Cutting Edge Laser Treatment

IS LASER TREATMENT PAINFUL?  There is no pain or discomfort during laser treatment. However, some patients may feel a slight warming sensation. There is no downtime with laser treatment. Patients may resume all regular activity immediately post-treatment.

HOW MANY TREATMENTS ARE REQUIRED? Laser treatment for fungal toenails usually requires one treatment. We offer re-treatments if needed, but it’s very uncommon in our clinic. The laser kills the fungus that is present at the time, but patients can re-infect themselves. Our doctor will go over post-treatment care with the patient to decrease their chances of getting the fungus again. Although we don’t see a lot of patients coming in for re-treatment- if needed it will be discounted.

IS THE TREATMENT SAFE? Yes, the treatment is very safe without any negative side effects.

If you live in New York City and are struggling with toenail fungus, don’t hesitate to contact us today. Let us help you eliminate toenail fungus once and for all.

