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Essential Oils For Toenail Fungus

Essential oils for toenail fungus is a treatment you may consider. At-home treatments for toenail fungus are popular for many reasons. For one, the condition is generally aesthetic and isn’t usually medically urgent. The lack of physical symptoms like pain reduces people getting medical attention. This means more people will be able to tolerate the symptoms for longer.

At-Home Remedies

This can make ineffective home remedies appealing since they don’t come with high costs or require a visit to a podiatrist. Essential oils are praised online as treatments for different medical conditions and are sometimes recommended for fungus.

Treatment with Essential Oils

Essential oils are often used by people who prefer natural remedies. Some of them can be very beneficial for certain purposes when used correctly. Many treatment options for toenail fungus like oral antifungal medications can have dangerous side effects like liver toxicity. In lieu of these treatments, some people may think essential oils are a better option because they are more natural.

However, essential oils are not an effective treatment for toenail fungus. While some, like tea tree oil, may have mild antifungal properties, they aren’t effective at eliminating the fungus. Additionally, it is difficult for them to penetrate through the nail into the nail bed where the fungus resides.

Lastly, concentrated essential oils like this can actually irritate or damage the skin. This is a bigger risk when essential oil use is prolonged. It is likely since they are ineffective at eliminating fungus.

Laser Treatment for Toenail Fungus

If you have toenail fungus and are worried about the safety of the treatment you receive, there is good news. The PinPointe laser treatment is able to kill the fungus under the nail with no toxic medication necessary.

The laser penetrates through the nail to the nail bed to kill the fungus. Also, without harming any of the skin, toe, or body. It also only requires one treatment to eliminate the fungus. To schedule a consultation with a licensed podiatrist for the PinPointe laser treatment, give us a call at 1-(800) 672-0625 or visit our website for more information.
