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Fungal Nail Infection in Children

softening fungal toenails is key

Toenail fungus might make nails look ugly but it will not kill them. Toenail fungus in children, however, can have a negative effect on your kid’s self-esteem. Children might start feeling “ugly” and “deformed.” And these are not feelings that are well dealt with in adolescent years. Your child may even feel dirty because fungus may cause odor. This can be extremely stressful. Fungal nail infections in children may cause feelings of inadequacy, as well as problems with body image.

If you believe your child or children may have toenail fungus, call us today and schedule a free consultation with one of our doctors in Wheeling, IL, or any of our other clinics near you.

Diagnosing Fungal Nails in Children

If you have a suspicion that your child has nail fungus check for the following signs:

Best Toenail Fungus Treatments for Children

Topical Medication:

Topical medications rarely work for adults but children see better results. This might be due to the way their nails grow at a faster pace. Our doctors will typically recommend to start with topical medications since it helps in less severe cases.

Laser Treatment:

Prevent the cheesy, smelly odor of toenails from becoming noticeable to other people. The root cause should be treated as quickly as possible. The podiatrists in our network near you will be able to treat your kid’s fungus with the PinPointe laser immediately.

To schedule a consultation with a licensed podiatrist for the PinPointe laser treatment, give us a call at 1-(800) 672-0625 or visit our website for more information.
