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How Nail Fungus is Recognized

Some infections are easy to detect, as bumps from chickenpox or vomiting from food poisoning. However, other infections, like nail fungus, develop slowly, which means that the signs may not be apparent right away. This means that you have to be extra careful to notice signs of nail fungus early. So what are the signs of nail fungus exactly?


Nail fungus symptoms can present in different order for different people. Generally, people tend to have some common symptoms that start milder at first but then gradually worsen significantly. This is why it is important to not ignore your signs of nail fungus even if they seem mild. The most universal sign of nail fungus is a change in the appearance of the nail. It usually starts as the nail becomes yellow, either in certain spots or in its entirety.

As the infection becomes severe the nail may become even darker in color, turning brown or black. Over time the texture of the nail also changes, with the nail becoming thicker and more brittle. At this point, the nail becomes very difficult to cut and often needs to be cut by a podiatrist. Many people also complain of aching pain in their nails, which can occur in the early stages of infection, or later on. Sometimes nail growth slows down significantly or even stops. 

Nail fungus when ignored can become quite severe, often spreading to others in your family or general vicinity or other parts of the body. To ignore it is a mistake since it does not tend to go away on its own. If you have gotten it, you can easily get treated using the FDA-approved PinPointe laser, which typically takes only one treatment. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation with one of our doctors at one of our over 150 locations including Los Angeles, CA. 
