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Killing Toenail Fungus

get rid of smelly toenails with nail fungus treatment with laser

Killing Toenail Fungus Infection is not easy but definitely doable. Toenail infections are quite common and can come in many different forms. There are however quite a few ways to avoid or to tackle them.

  1. Keep nails and feet both clean and dry. This means properly. Often we dry our feet and nails carelessly because we are in a rush or find it tedious but it is important to dry in between the toes as well to clean away any particles present. Furthermore, moist feet are attractable to fungi so the likelihood of forming an infection is high if moist or unclean.
  2. Go barefoot. Although contrary to many antifungal studies, you may and should go barefoot BUT at the appropriate times. For example, when at home merely relaxing or in bed kick off your socks or shoes and let the air circulate around your feet. This is especially important for those who have sweaty/clammy feet.
  3. Get in the sun! Fungi dislike sunlight, they prefer dark and damp areas. This is due in large part to the drying power of the sun. Sunlight dries up most liquid, including the sweat or water on the feet. As a result, the moist surfaces that fungi thrive off of will dissipate and so will the fungi potentially.
  4. Change up your footwear. Many of us have a pair of shoes that we prefer to wear more often than others. This can be harmful and cause serious problems including athlete’s foot and nail fungus. If you need or prefer to wear the same pair for work, gym, or whatever reason thinks about purchasing more than 1 pair so that the shoes have a chance to breathe and air out. Another good idea is to purchase a shoe spray or powder to help disinfect the shoes after each use.

Laser Treatment for Toenail Fungus

Be sure to get all the toenail fungus information prior to making a decision for the best treatment option. Laser treatment for toenail fungus provides the best success rate for people with laser nail fungus. This treatment is safe not only for children, elders but also for women during pregnancy. At Laser Nail Therapy, we use the PinPointe Foot Laser which has a cure rate of 85%. This is the highest compared to all other treatment options for toenail fungus. Since the laser is a heat source that is applied to the top of the nail, it eradicates the fungal spores within and under the nail.  Laser Treatment for toenail fungus does not have any side effects. Though the heat might give off a tingly feeling during the treatment, it is safe for pregnant women. Call us today to schedule a free consultation with our foot doctor in Riverside, CA.

