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How to Treat Nail Fungus

When people suffer from nail fungus they might not mind it very much when they first get it. People think since most infections go away after a short time that this one will too. Unfortunately, nail fungus isn’t like most infections. Once they realize this they start worrying and try to find ways to treat nail fungus. How could they possibly treat something that won’t go away on its own? Luckily there are a few different nail fungus treatment options available. Some of which are more successful than others.

One kind of nail fungus treatment that people think about trying first is a nail fungus medication. The most common oral toenail fungus treatment is a medication known as Lamisil. Lamisil can be effective, but it is very possible for it to actually do more harm than good. Like all medications, Lamisil can potentially cause side effects, sometimes as dangerous as liver damage. Topical medications aren’t nearly as dangerous, but they aren’t going to be as successful either. The least successful nail fungus treatments are nail fungus home remedies, so it would be a good idea to avoid these completely.

A nail fungus treatment that is not only safe but also effective is laser nail fungus treatment. While nail fungus laser treatment is relatively new in comparison to the nail fungus medications mentioned above, it has quickly proven to become a favorite since it works. Patients won’t have to worry about harmful side effects and they won’t have to keep taking time out of their day to apply unsuccessful home remedies. All of these positives should make nail fungus laser treatment the easy answer if it comes time for you to choose a nail fungus treatment.

Laser Treatment for Nail Fungus

If you have caught nail fungus, it can be easily treated using the FDA-approved PinPointe laser, which typically only takes on treatment. Other treatments like topical solutions and oral medication are not as effective. Topical solutions have a very low cure rate. This is because the solution does not penetrate all the way through the nail bed.  This is because it can lead to liver toxicity. You would need to have consistent blood tests throughout the course of taking the medication. 

Our nail doctor in Glendale, CA recommends this treatment for Toenail Fungus. The PinPointe Laser treatment has the highest cure rate in the market. It has no side effects and no recovery period. As a result, you can go about your daily activities right after the treatment. Also, it is not painful.

If you have any signs of nail fungus, call us at (800) 672-0625 or visit our website for more information on our doctors at one of our over 150 locations.
