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Is Vinegar Effective in Treating Nail Fungus?

Is vinegar effective in treating nail fungus? Vinegar is a liquid product of the fermentation of alcoholic liquid that contains roughly 15% acetic acid. It is used in cooking to flavor or preserves foods. Or as a cleaning agent. Furthermore, the acidic properties of vinegar make for a good disinfectant. As a result, it slows nail fungus growth. It is a common home remedy for infections. Furthermore, it is found in nearly any household kitchen. 

Vinegar treats a variety of fungal infections such as:

  1. Athlete’s Foot
  2. Foot Odor
  3. Warts
  4. Dry Feet
  5. Nail Fungus

More on fungal infections can be found here.

Prepare your vinegar foot bath:

  1. Begin by diluting the vinegar by mixing a ratio of 1:2 of vinegar and water as a base. If the strength is not enough and you are not noticing results, increase the concentration of vinegar by adding more.
  2. The odor of vinegar disappears after it has dried. You may also add essential oils to alter or lighten the strong scent of your bath
  3. Soak for as long as you’d like, and rinse with water after. Be sure to fully dry your feet after your soak. This is because a common way nail fungus can thrive is from moist and dark environments!

Is vinegar effective in treating nail fungus? Since vinegar can only slow fungus growth it is not able to eradicate the fungus and therefore improve the appearance of the nail. Furthermore, to truly extinguish nail fungus from your nails you might need proper treatment, be sure to consult your podiatrist for options. To learn about more effective treatments for nail fungus that are effective in killing all of the fungi can be found in our blog here.

Laser Treatment for Nail Fungus

As you can see, tips for healthy feet without nail fungus can be easy to find. If you have caught nail fungus, it can be easily treated using the FDA-approved PinPointe laser. It typically only takes on treatment. Other treatments like topical solutions and oral medication are not as effective. Topical solutions have a very low cure rate. This is because the solution does not penetrate all the way through the nail bed.  This is because it can lead to liver toxicity. You would need to have consistent blood tests throughout the course of taking the medication. 

Our nail doctor in Walnut Creek, CA recommends this treatment for toenail fungus. The PinPointe Laser treatment has the highest cure rate in the market. It has no side effects and no recovery period. As a result, you can go about your daily activities right after the treatment. Also, there’s no pain.

If you have any signs of nail fungus, call us at (800) 672-0625 our Walnut Creek, CA location. Visit our website for more information on our doctors at one of our over 150 locations.
