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Is nail fungus Contagious?

Is nail fungus Contagious? The short answer is yes. Toenail fungus affects the nails and the skin under them. Nail fungus gets worse over time if left untreated. As the fungus grows, the condition and appearance of nails become more severe. While this growth is evident in the progression of fungus, the fungus can also grow in another way. Nail fungus can easily spread between people who are in close proximity to one another. Typically happens to family members and sports teams. This is very common among people who share shoes. Because of this trait, nail fungus is considered to be a contagious infection. If you have a toenail fungus and are worried about spreading it to those around you, you may be wondering how contagious the fungus actually is.

How does fungus spread?

Toenail fungus spreads from person to person in many ways. The most common way is in places where walking barefoot is acceptable. For example, locker rooms, public saunas, and public pools are very common places where the fungus can spread. Fungal spores are contagious because they are capable of surviving on surfaces like floors without needing a host. As new people walk over the surfaces, the fungus spores can latch onto their nails. Then fungus uses them as a new host. 

Another way to easily spread toenail fungus is by sharing shoes. Some people think it’s a myth but sharing shoes not only can lead to nail fungus infection but you may also get athletes’ feet. An athlete’s foot is a common fungus infection of the skin of the foot which then can develop into a toenail fungus infection if left untreated. If at all possible, our nail doctors in Miami, FL recommend never share or trade shoes with someone else. This does not matter how well you know the person.

Can you get nail fungus at a nail salon?

Because nail fungus is so contagious, it is also commonly transmitted from person to person at nail salons. Nail technicians use tools that come into direct contact with toenails and can harbor fungus. When the nail tools aren’t properly sanitized between customers, the fungus can be transferred to other people. To avoid this, make sure your nail salon properly sanitizes its tools before using them on you. Another way to avoid getting nail fungus from a nail salon is by bringing your own tools that the nail techs can use.

What should you do after you’re diagnosed with toenail fungus?

If you have already caught a toenail fungus, the best way to prevent spreading it to others is by getting it treated immediately. The most effective treatment is laser treatment. Our laser typically requires only one treatment to eliminate all of the fungi and is painless. To schedule a free consultation with our podiatrist for the laser treatment, give us a call at 1-(800) 672-0625 today.

