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Toenail Fungus and Nail Polish

Can I get nail fungus from a nail salon?

Toenail fungus and nail polish can make the infection worse. Nail polish and nail extensions are common cosmetic practices to express yourself and keep your toes looking good. Home pedicures and trips to the nail salon can be fun. Although, there are some things you should keep in mind to keep your toes safe when doing these modifications. Certain practices while painting nails can lead to fungal infections of the nails. As a result, it is a contagious condition that can be stubborn to treat.

Nail Salons and Toenail Fungus

The riskiest place to get your nails painted is at a nail salon. The fungus can survive on surfaces other than nails like the tools used at a nail salon. Since these tools are often reused multiple times, they may transfer a fungus onto your nail from a previous customer. When visiting a nail salon, be sure to ask your nail technician what methods they use to sterilize tools between customers. Don’t be afraid to ask this; nail fungus spread is very common at nail salons that don’t sterilize tools between uses. It is much better to ask this every time you get your nails done than to have to deal with a toenail fungus.

Nail Polish and Toenail Fungus

Doing your nails at home is much safer than getting them done at a salon since you aren’t sharing nail tools with anybody else. However, if you always have nail polish on you may not notice any signs of toenail fungus development. Nail fungus can be caught from many different places, so you should always be cautious to check for signs of it. Make sure to examine your nails in between nail polish application for any discoloration, brittleness, or thickening indicative of a fungus.

Laser Treatment

Antifungal nail polishes can be used as a layer of protection against toenail fungus. This nail polish can help protect against future infection, but will not treat a nail fungus. The best treatment for toenail fungus is the PinPointe laser, which typically requires only one treatment to cure the fungus.

Our nail doctor in the Bronx, NY recommends the PinPointe Laser treatment. It has no side effects and no recovery period. As a result, you can go about your daily activities right after the treatment. Also, it is not painful. To schedule a consultation with a licensed podiatrist for this treatment, give us a call at 1-(800) 672-0625 or visit our website for more information.
