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Nail Fungus Texture

Get rid of your toenail fungus today

Nail fungus tends to change the nail texture very soon after infection happens. Nail texture is often an easy way to recognize something is wrong with your toenails. Textural changes are often simple to spot as long as you know the things you should be looking out for. Fungal infections of the nail bed can commonly create textural changes of the nail. This is helpful in identifying a toenail fungus. 

How to spot nail fungus?

Fungus usually starts off as a white discoloration of the nail and then can develop into more obvious aesthetic changes. When fungus starts to become more severe, it can cause yellowing, browning, and blackening of the nail. Textural changes of the nail include it becoming more brittle, thickened, or even cracked. These changes in the nail indicate that the fungus is progressing. Nail fungus explanation is simple but it presents differently on people who have it.

Know what texture your nail normally is so that you can compare it to the textures normally seen in patients with toenail fungus. This way you’ll be able to get treatment for fungus before more severe symptoms start, like blackening of the nail or separation of the nail from the nail bed. When fungus changes the texture of the nail, you will usually notice it starting to become brittle. This will often coincide with the nail starting to flake off or look flaky. The nail can start to look cracked on the surface and even form cracks that go through the entire nail. As the fungal infection continues, in extreme situations the nail can even start to look like it’s being eaten away at by the fungus. This shows itself as patchiness and crumbling of the nail.

How to treat nail fungus?

The best thing to do is to constantly look out for any of these signs that a fungus has infected your nail. This is simple to do: every day, check and see if your nail texture has changed at all. It is usually easiest to do this while in the shower. You can just quickly take a look at your nails to monitor them. If you do notice a change in your nail’s texture and are worried about it being a fungus, you should seek the advice of a licensed podiatrist. They will be able to determine if your nails have a fungus and suggest a treatment option.

Our doctors in Chicago, IL believe that the best treatment available is the FDA-approved PinPointe laser. It typically requires just one treatment to cure the fungus. To schedule a consultation with a podiatrist for this treatment, give us a call at 1-(800) 672-0625 or visit our website for more information.

Laser Treatment for nail fungus
