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Rubbing Alcohol For Toenail Fungus

Rubbing alcohol for toenail fungus isn’t the best option. At-home treatment for toenail fungus is growing in popularity since the condition isn’t medically urgent. A few of these methods aren’t directly harmful. Although, there are some at-home methods for toenail fungus treatment that can cause damage to your toes. The dangerous at-home treatments commonly include chemicals that you can find in your home, like rubbing alcohol.

Rubbing Alcohol

Using rubbing alcohol to treat toenail fungus will be ineffective at curing your toes. This chemical isn’t meant to be used as a medical treatment for fungus and doesn’t effectively kill fungal spores. Additionally, rubbing alcohol doesn’t penetrate through to the nail bed to kill the fungus where it actually resides. Using it undiluted on your nails can dry out the skin around your toe. This can make the skin more prone to ingrown toenails and other conditions. Sometimes, online websites will recommend diluting the alcohol and then soaking your feet in it regularly. This is a waste of time and will not cure the fungus.

Safer Treatments for Toenail Fungus

Antifungal topical medications that are prescribed and designed for toenail fungus removal are ineffective at treating the infection. These medications sometimes require more than a year of application before any results are shown at all. Even then they have a low success rate. Rubbing alcohol is even less effective than these medications. Also, it has the potential to damage your skin and toe over time.

Laser Treatment

The best thing is to see a licensed podiatrist. They can provide you with an FDA-approved, effective treatment like the PinPointe laser, which is the best treatment available for fungus. To schedule a consultation with a licensed podiatrist for the PinPointe laser treatment, give us a call at 1-(800) 672-0625 or visit our website for more information.

eliminate nail fungus with doctor
