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Soften Hard And Thick Toenails

Hard and thick toenails are a common sign of toenail fungus. Toenail fungus is a contagious condition that affects many people. As a result, over 50% of the population over 50 is affected by this issue. It is also common in athletes since they tend to have sweatier feet. However, it can affect anybody who comes into contact with a fungal spore. A fungal infection can cause many changes in the appearance of the nail. Hardening and thickening of the nail is often more than an aesthetic problem. This is because it limits the ability to trim the toenails.

Hard and thick toenails can be addressed with softening techniques. These can ease the functional burden that toenail fungus can have, and make trimming easier. The most effective softening technique is as simple and accessible. All you need to have is access to warm water! Simply fill a bathtub or other basin with warm water, then let your feet soak for 20-40 minutes. The water should absorb into the nails and make them less difficult to cut.

If your hard and thick toenails don’t improve with soaking them in water, you can try doing this procedure every night. Try making it into a fun and relaxing part of your routine by reading a book, watching a show, or lighting a candle during the experience.

Treatment option to get rid of fungus

Hard and thick toenails usually won’t improve permanently without medical intervention. To avoid needing to soak your feet every night for the rest of your life, and improve any aesthetic damage the fungus has caused, you should seek medical attention from a licensed podiatrist. The best treatment for toenail fungus is the PinPointe laser, which is FDA-approved and only requires one session to eliminate all of the fungus! After the laser treatment, a new healthy nail should grow in behind the old damaged one. This new nail should be thin and soft enough to cut. To schedule a consultation with a licensed podiatrist for the PinPointe laser, give us a call at 1-(800) 672-0625 or visit our website for more information. 
