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Stinky Buildup Under Toenails

Stinky buildup under toenails can be difficult to manage and uncomfortable. The simplest reason is that nobody wants their toenails or fingernails to stink. Odor coming from toenails or fingernails is easily noticeable. It will likely make some people avoid being in close proximity to you. This can easily harm social relationships that make life so meaningful. Lack of these relationships can be isolating and harmful to overall mental health. Many people with smelly nails avoid being barefoot in public. They can’t enjoy fun activities like going to the beach or the pool. The harm to social life that smelly nails can cause is impactful, but this condition also raises concerns that medical treatment is necessary. While smelly feet are a common problem caused by poor hygiene similar to other smells on the body, nails are different. When the smell comes from buildup under the nails, something else is wrong. 

Cause of stinky nails

Stinky buildup under nails is commonly a symptom of nail fungus infection. Nail fungus is contagious and spreads between people. As fungal spores are passed from infected nails to uninfected nails. The transfer of fungal spores commonly happens through a common surface that people walk on. Public pools and locker rooms are one of many places where toenail fungus spread is common. This is because there is high traffic of barefoot people. Another place where the fungus is commonly spread is at nail salons. Nail Technicians may reuse tools on multiple clients. When nail salons know how to properly sanitize the tools, this shouldn’t be an issue. However, some salons may not sanitize the tools at all or may not sanitize them properly.

Stinky buildup under nails is just one of many symptoms of toenail fungus. This buildup can look like gunk and can take many forms and colors. It can be crumbly, dusty, thick, or look like another nail growing under the original one. Nail fungus mainly causes aesthetic changes in the nail. Discoloration of the nail is the most common, and usually the first to appear. Once infected with nail fungus, it can take some time before the symptoms are noticeable. The first signs of discoloration may be hard to notice. These signs show up as small dots or stripes on the nail. The discoloration will become more prominent and noticeable as the fungal infection grows.

As this discoloration worsens, other changes can happen to the nail. Nails infected with toenail fungus can often become damaged and may look cracked, brittle, or decayed. They can also start to lift up or detach from the nail bed, which can make it seem like the nail is going to fall off. The nail can also seem to grow multiple layers, or become very thickened or hardened. Debris buildup underneath the nail and these other symptoms are caused by the fungal organism itself growing and degrading the nail.

Will good hygiene get rid of stinky nails?

Cleaning the stinky buildup under nails won’t be enough to get rid of the smell if the fungus is the root cause. The fungal organisms will remain under the nail in the nail bed even after a thorough wash. It will still be able to emit odor. To eliminate the smell from toenail fungus permanently, you will need to eliminate the fungus. You should consider an FDA-approved treatment from a licensed podiatrist. These doctors specialize in treating issues of the foot and will be able to provide you effective and safe treatment. Medical treatments for toenail fungus vary, but if you receive an effective treatment your fungus will be gone. A new healthy nail can start to grow behind the old damaged one, free of stinky debris or buildup. However, future infections with fungus are always possible so you must also take steps to avoid such reinfection. pharmacy

Best treatment option for nail fungus

Most treatments for fungus are very ineffective and can take as long as a year to eliminate the fungus under the nail bed. These treatments for fungus also have very low cure rates and require long periods of application. Some topical treatments require more than a year of application before the fungus even starts to clear. However, there are more effective treatments available for nail fungus. The best option is the nail fungus laser treatment. Our laser typically requires only one treatment to completely eliminate the fungus from under the nails. This means that right after the treatment, a new healthy nail should start growing in. This treatment is able to cure patients with all types of nail fungus, even those who have had the condition for a long period of time. To read about the experiences our patients have had with the PinPointe Laser treatment, visit our website here.
