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Tackling Nail Fungus Early On

Softening Thick Fungal Nails At Home

Nail fungus, just like any other infection or health condition, is not something to be left unchecked or ignored. When left alone, the fungus can worsen and spread to other areas of the body. It will usually spread to the skin or genitals, or spread to other people around you. This is why it is important to tackle your nail fungus early on. 

Prevention>Tackling Nail Fungus

You may have heard the phrase, “Prevention is better than cure”. It turns out, some cliches are true. Nail fungus is extremely contagious and a stubborn infection. This is why the best way to tackle nail fungus early on is to keep yourself from actually catching it. Do not allow your nails to sit in moisture. Sweaty shoes or damp feet or hands that have not been dried after washing are a perfect environment for fungus. Since nail fungus thrives in these conditions. Change your shoes every day. Dry your hands and feet after washing. And wash your linens and towels often since these places can trap fungal spores. 

Is Fungus Contagious?

Since nail fungus is so contagious, this means you should be careful in places where it may spread easily. This means never being barefoot in public places like gym showers, saunas, or public poolsides, which are all places that people tend to go barefoot but definitely should not. Since nail fungus occurs when fungal spores are able to reach the nail bed, usually through cracks or cuts on the nail or surrounding area, in case you have any such injury or wound, you should preemptively apply antifungal creams and solutions to your nails to kill any fungal spores you may come into contact with. If a family member happens to catch nail fungus, do not, under any circumstances, share nail tools such as clippers or nail files with them, and encourage them to seek treatment right away. 

Sometimes, despite our best efforts, accidents happen and you may catch nail fungus. While most treatments for nail fungus are ineffective or too difficult to be worth it, all hope is not lost. You can easily get treated using the FDA-approved PinPointe laser, which typically takes only one treatment. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation with one of our doctors at one of our over 150 locations including in Orlando, FL. 
