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Thick Fungal Nail Grooming

Thick fungal nail grooming is important when a toenail fungus infection is left untreated for a while. When fungus keeps growing inside and under the nails, with time it keeps getting worse. Many people ignore this problem in hopes of it going away on its own. People might even keep hiding their infected nails in closed-toe shoes which will only help the infection spread. This is because fungus loves a dark and moist environment. Therefore, sweaty shoes might be fungus’ favorite place to hang out.

Nail fungus symptoms

The fungus can cause many aesthetic changes in the surface of the nail. These include increased brittleness, hardening of the nail, and thickening of the nail. As fungal spores grow under the nail, debris and fungal material can build up. This causes the nail to detach and appear thicker. Additionally, the nail itself can start to grow more thick than normal.

Trimming nails that have been infected with nail fungus can be a difficult task to undertake. Because the nails are thicker, normal nail clippers usually aren’t sufficient to cut them. Even medical-grade nail clippers, which should only be used by a medical professional, may have difficulty getting through the nail. Grooming nails in this state requires softening techniques before actually cutting the nail. 

Thick fungal nail grooming also includes regular cleanliness practices to prevent the fungus from growing faster. The most important of these is to change socks immediately once they become sweaty. You should also avoid walking barefoot in public areas to prevent spreading your fungus. 

Treatment options for nail fungus

For thick fungal nail grooming, a good idea is to soak the feet regularly. Soaking the feet in warm water for 20-40 minutes per day can soften the nail enough to easily cut the nail. However, if your nail is particularly thick, a doctor may recommend debridement to thin down the nail. This will get the nail thin enough to cut and is usually performed in tandem with nail fungus treatment. Debridement will allow the fungal treatment to get through the nail and into the nail bed itself. 

The most effective thick fungal nail grooming is performed by a podiatrist, and is called the PinPointe laser. This laser system kills all of the fungus with just one treatment. After the laser, a healthy nail should regrow that isn’t thick or hard. To schedule a consultation with a licensed podiatrist for the PinPointe laser, give us a call at 1-(800) 672-0625 or visit our website for more information.
