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Toenail Fungus At-home Remedies

softening fungal toenails is key

Toenail fungus is a common nail condition affecting millions of people all over the world. Toenail Fungus at-home remedies are typically the first thing most people try before seeking professional help. As you are beginning to realize you have a case of nail fungus, you may start looking into whether you can treat your nail fungus at home. After all, who doesn’t like to save a trip to the doctor? Just like any other subject in the world, there is a lot of information available on the internet on nail fungus. Many different suggestions on home remedies, and other things to treat your nail fungus at home. 

Risk factors for having nail fungus

Fungus grows and thrives in moist or damp conditions. Sweaty Socks and shoes are the ideal conditions for nail fungus. Also not wearing sandals in public places such as pools, locker rooms, and gyms place you at higher risk of developing a fungal infection. You might also notice that it normally is more common to contract a fungal infection during the summer months.

People with weakened immune systems, diabetes, poor circulation, and the elderly are at the highest risk of contracting the fungal nail infection. Frequent nail salon visitors may also be at risk of developing and spreading the infection. This is due to nail salons failing to properly sanitize their tools in between clients.

Nail fungal infections typically affect the nails by causing discoloration first. Then nails usually become thick which makes it very hard to trim them. Cheese-like odor is also common among more advanced infections. Brittleness and even complete separation of the nail from the nail bed may also occur.

Importance of Correct Diagnosis

In order to confirm a toenail fungus infection, your nail doctor will have to evaluate your case. Typically a simple in-person diagnosis is enough. This is important to do because nail fungus might sometimes mimic psoriasis. Nail fungus is a medical condition and should be treated as such. This means relying on the advice of a doctor to treat your nail fungus, instead of turning to home remedies. Most at-home remedies for treating nail fungus have no research to back them up. Unfortunately, home remedies for nail fungus simply do not work, and may even be harmful. 

Most Common At-home Remedies

Some of the most common home remedies for nail fungus include using Vicks Vaporub, tea tree oil, and apple cider vinegar.  There is no formal research to prove this and these claims rely heavily on anecdotal evidence. And then there are some who try to treat their nail fungus by soaking their nails in a dilution of bleach. This is one home remedy that not only does not work but is downright dangerous. Bleach is very corrosive to the skin, and even a dilution can harm your skin severely. Furthermore, it can be fatal if accidentally ingested in even a small amount, and it emits harmful fumes. 

Over-the-counter topical treatments are the only option that truly has antifungal properties, but their efficacy in treating nail fungus is less than 1%. This is because they are very weak, and while they may be effective at preventing infection or reinfection, they are just not strong enough to treat an active case of nail fungus, owing partially to the fact that they cannot reach the fungus on the nail bed underneath the nail.

When it comes to nail fungus, to see results you need to enlist the help of a doctor in Indianapolis, IN with experience treating the condition. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation with one of our doctors at one of our over 150 locations.
