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Toenail Fungus Causes and Risk factors

Toenail fungus can be caught very easily. It’s infectious and spreads from one nail to the next over time. A person can also be infected if they walk barefoot in public places. These are places where other infected individuals have walked. Toenail fungus is more likely to grow in wet environments. Fungus like public pools, showers, and locker rooms. Dermatologists or Podiatrists can easily diagnose patients with a clinical diagnosis. This blog will discuss toenail fungus causes and risk factors. 

Signs of Toenail fungus

As the infection progresses and fungus grows, the nail must begin to hurt and the pain gets worse with time. For that reason, treating the fungus at its earliest stages is the best way to avoid the consequences of the progression of the infection.  Below is a list of common signs of toenail fungus

  • The nail would be discolored; white, grey, yellow spots are signs of infection
  • Thickening of the nail and elevation make the nail detached from the finger or toe.
  • A buildup under the nail is also a sign of infection
  • Broken or cracked nails

Risk factors that make you more susceptible

There is a large number of risk factors that make some people more likely to contract the disease. Below is the list of some of the more common ones.

  • Health factors such as skin infections, diabetes, and trauma to the nail would make you more likely to get infections.
  • Toenails present in a dark moist environment such as sweaty shoes.
  • One of the leading causes is walking barefoot in public areas.
  • Wear closed toed-shoes for long hours, and having sweaty feet also increase the risk.

Laser Treatment for Nail Fungus

As you can see, tips for healthy feet without nail fungus can be easy to find. Toenail fungus can be easily treated using the FDA-approved PinPointe laser. It typically only takes on treatment. Other treatments like topical solutions and oral medication are not as effective. Topical solutions have a very low cure rate. This is because the solution does not penetrate all the way through the nail bed.  This is because it can lead to liver toxicity. You would need to have consistent blood tests throughout the course of taking the medication. 

Our nail doctor in Valrico, FL recommends this treatment for toenail fungus. The PinPointe Laser treatment has the highest cure rate in the market. It has no side effects and no recovery period. As a result, you can go about your daily activities right after the treatment. Also, there’s no pain.

If you have any signs of nail fungus, call us at (800) 672-0625 our Valrico, FL location. Visit our website for more information on our doctors at one of our over 150 locations.

