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Toenail Fungus Medicines

Toenail Fungus Treatment

Toenail fungus medicines have a range of medication that is used to treat infections caused by toenail fungus. Many medications can be purchased over the counter or also by prescription. Some people might think this is the best treatment option because it is medication, but it can also be very harmful. There are a few common types of antifungal medication that people choose from like topical solutions and oral medications.

Topical toenail fungus medicine

Topical solutions are probably the most common toenail fungus medicine. They are easy to find and easy to manage. Topical solutions do not typically work because it does not kill the fungus from the inside of the nail. These solutions do not reach underneath the nail bed. This allows the toenail fungus to keep growing and possibly spreading to other toenails. They have a cure rate of 5 percent to 10 percent for this reason. Also, it takes a very long to see any results. Our nail doctors do not recommend this is as a treatment option for toenail fungus.

Oral Medicines

Oral medication is another toenail fungus medicine that people opt for. These medications are usually prescribed by doctors. Our nail doctors do not prescribe medications because they can have very dangerous side effects. As a result of these side effects, liver toxicity can occur. They would have to take blood samples to monitor your liver. This can be very exhausting and sometimes no results will be seen. Although oral medicines have a cure rate of 60 percent, they are not recommended by our nail doctor.

Laser Treatment for toenail fungus

Our nail doctor in Los Angeles, CA recommends the PinPointe laser treatment. This laser treatment is the most effective out of all treatment options. It has a cure rate of 85 percent with just one treatment. Also, this treatment option is not painful and there are no side effects. As a result, you can go about your daily activities right after treatment. The Pinpointe laser uses heat to kill all the fungus. There is no need to take any medicine or just apply topical solutions and hope for the best. Our nail doctors will consult you on the best treatment option. Toenail fungus medicines may be common but are not very effective. Call us today to answer any questions and schedule a free consultation at (800) 672-0625 or visit our website.
