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Toenail Fungus Progression

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Toenail fungus progression might be slow but once it starts it’s extremely hard to eliminate. When conditions like this are identified early on, it is possible to avoid them. Becoming worse and causing damage or contagion is usually the next step. Toenail fungus often starts off without any noticeable symptoms and then worsens over time. It is important to know what the progression of nail fungus infection looks like. This way you can receive treatment as soon as possible or know how to avoid it in the first place.

How to recognize a fungal infection in the nails

Small fungus spores may creep under your nails and cause a fungal infection. This infection may lead to a number of extremely unpleasant symptoms. Our doctors in San Francisco, CA say that the signs of nail fungal infection may include:

  • brown, yellow, or white discoloration of the nails
  • a strong cheese-like odor from nails
  • thick and hard nails that may be difficult to trim
  • pain when wearing closed-toe shoes

Beginning of toenail fungus progression

Progression of toenail fungus often starts with minimal changes to the nail’s aesthetic. This can present as small, sectioned whitening or yellowing of the nail. Additionally, the nail might appear powdery, soft, or brittle. From there, the progression of nail fungus will present as a deepening of the discoloration in the nail. Thickening of the nail and cracking of the nail is also common. When the progression of toenail fungus is allowed to continue, it can start to look black, and in some patients, a foul cheese-like odor can also start to appear. These symptoms typically start on one nail and over time infect the rest of the nails on the foot.

Nail fungus can become dangerous when left untreated for a long time. In some situations where the fungus is left alone for too long, the entire toe or foot might need to be amputated. Progression of toenail fungus infection can cause the entire bloodstream to become infected with the fungus. This can be life-threatening, so the progression of nail fungus should be monitored to avoid extreme situations like this.

Successful Treatment options

The most exciting part of watching the progression of nail fungus is watching the results show after successful treatment. If you think you have a toenail fungus, it is important to seek an FDA-approved treatment by a licensed doctor. The PinPointe Laser is the best option to treat toenail fungus, curing the fungus in typically one treatment. Once you receive treatment with the PinPointe laser, you will be able to watch the progression of toenail fungus healing instead of worsening. After this treatment, the progression of the treatment will be seen as a new, fungus-free nail growing in behind the old damaged nail. To schedule a consultation to get the PinPointe laser treatment, call us at (310)751-7003.

