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Toenail fungus treatments

before laser treatment and after laser treatment

Toenail fungus treatments are available to patients that work in different ways to cure fungus. Some treatments are topical solutions, medications prescribed by doctors, or laser treatment. While all of the treatments claim to kill fungus, they do not have the same cure rates. If you think you have a toenail fungus, you should learn how these treatments work so you can make an informed decision on which is best for you. Treatments are not easy to find, especially one that is effective. Most people just go for topical solutions without realizing there are better treatment options for toenail fungus treatment. 

You may be one of the people who either never tried a toenail fungus treatment or gave up in the early going, but there are other options available. One nail fungus treatment may not have worked, but a different treatment might work out better than the last. There are plenty of different nail fungus treatments on the market so there is a good chance that one of them will work for you. If you need help deciding which one, or are afraid that a certain treatment’s side effects will harm you more than the actual fungus, you can get help.

Our nail doctors are the perfect source of toenail fungus advice since many of them have diagnosed and successfully treated this infection dozens, if not hundreds of times. They give the best treatment options after they examine your toenails. Our doctors provide the PinPointe laser treatment as the best option in most cases. Most of the time it only requires one treatment to cure your toenail fungus.

Topical treatments for toenail fungus

The topical solutions for toenail fungus treatment work by putting an antifungal chemical directly into the nail bed itself. These come in the form of topical creams or topical solutions. While these are the simplest form of toenail fungus treatment, they are also the least effective, with a cure rate of 5% to 10%. This is because the creams and solutions usually have difficulty penetrating through the nail to kill the fungus that lives under the nail bed. They usually require a long period of time to see any results, if at all. Because of this, it is not recommended by doctors to use topical treatments to cure toenail fungus,

Our nail doctors recommend using topical solutions after the PinPointe laser treatment to ensure that the fungus does not return. Topical solutions only work externally and therefore would not be able to cure severe cases of toenail fungus.

Oral Medications for toenail fungus

Oral medications for toenail fungus treatment work by delivering antifungal medication to the nail through the bloodstream. While these are more effective than topical treatments, they carry more risks. The medication can cause other health issues. A common side effect of oral antifungal medications is liver toxicity. Because of this, oral medications often require blood tests before and during their use. Many people may not even get this option because of other underlying health conditions. The cure rate with medication for toenail fungus treatment is about 60%. Our doctors do not recommend oral medication for toenail fungus treatment for these reasons.


Laser Treatment

Our nail doctor in Los Angeles, CA recommends the PinPointe laser for toenail fungus treatment as it has the highest cure rate out of all the options available. The cure rate for this toenail fungus treatment is 85%. The PinPointe laser treatment kills fungus by using heat. The laser kills the fungus underneath without damaging the skin or surrounding tissue. The laser for treatment has been optimized to kill the fungus in just one treatment, so most patients are cured after just one visit. The PinPointe laser for toenail fungus treatment has no side effects and just one treatment can kill the fungus. It is a safe treatment option and is FDA approved. There is no recovery period and you can proceed with your daily activities right after. All of our doctors are the ones who perform the treatment to ensure the best treatment.

We have various locations throughout the U.S. where our doctors provide consultations to give you more information about the PinPointe treatment. Our doctors are very experienced and provide the best treatment for toenail fungus. To schedule a consultation with a podiatrist for the laser treatment, or to get more information about the PinPointe laser treatment give us a call at 1-(800) 672-0625 or visit our website for more information.
