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Treatment for Yellow Nails

before laser treatment and after laser treatment

A treatment option for yellow nails is laser treatment. Many people who have yellow nails most likely have a toenail fungus. There are many treatment options for toenail fungus like topical solutions, oral medication, and even nail removal. Our nail doctors recommend laser treatment to kill the fungus on your yellow nails.

Yellow Nails

Nails protect the tips of the fingers and toes. They are also indicators of the overall health of a person. Healthy nails are usually clear and free from deformities. In some cases, nails can thicken and turn yellow in color. This can be a cause of toenail fungus. Nail fungus thrives in warm, moist environments, making toenails more commonly affected than fingernails. The fungus may affect a part of the nail or the whole nail. It occurs because of the previous contact with the fungus and becomes confined in the nail.

Some people are more likely to be affected than others. If you suffer from diabetes or autoimmune disorders, you are at a higher risk of contracting toenail fungus. The infection can begin as small dark spots under the nail. The fungi enter through the cracks of the toenail, under the nails, as well as the corners of the nail. The infection gradually worsens making it unnoticeable at the beginning. It will not affect the whole nail initially, but it spreads and can get worse if left untreated.

Thickened Nails

Thickened yellow nails are also a common way to know you may have a toenail fungus. The nail grows thicker as the infection develops. This is a result of nail cells reproducing faster than the nail can grow. The fungus can also get in between the layers of the nail and feed on the keratin(what nails are made of). This causes the nail to push itself into the toe, making it uncomfortable to wear shoes.

Laser Treatment for Yellow Nails

The best treatment for yellow nails is laser treatment. Our doctor in Miami, FL uses the PinPointe laser which has the highest cure rate compared to other lasers on the market. This is because the laser kills all the fungus present without damaging the nail. Your nail will then grow out to be in its normal color and will not be thickened anymore. The laser treatment is pain-free and you can go about your daily activities right after the treatment. You can contact us to schedule a free consultation with one of our nail doctors at (800) 672-0625 or visit our website for more information.
