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Nail Fungus and Jock Itch

Nail fungus and jock itch can go hand in hand. Jock itch is an embarrassing fungal skin infection (to put it mildly) that occurs on the genitals. It is contagious as with most fungal infections and often coexists with other fungal infections. The cause of it is tinea, which is a type of fungi.

How do I know if I have jock itch?

So how do you detect it or can tell that you have it? If you see a pink and scaly rash forming on the inner thighs, groin, and/or scrotum (for males). Women are also impacted by jock itch, which causes the same pink, scaly, itching to occur on the inner thighs and vulva.

Fungal infections in all forms, especially tinea, are extremely infectious and can spread rapidly from person to person, and also through direct contact with surfaces that would harbor fungi, which are damp and moist. Showers, swimming pool areas, gym locker rooms, damp grass or soil are all surfaces where fungi thrive off of. Additionally, since the fungi that occur in jock itch are closely related to one affecting athlete’s foot or nail fungus, then the fungi can often spread from one body part to another by simple contact.

How to avoid getting a fungal infection

It is important to take extra precautions if you already have a fungal infection on the feet, nails, or hands. By following a few simple life changes you can avoid this issue from spreading or even occurring. Wearing sandals in locker rooms, pools, and showers, keeping the feet and genital areas dry and free from sweat as often as possible and making sure to shower daily. Finally, if you would like to treat these problems, seek attention from a doctor or topical medication at the pharmacy.

Treatments for Nail Fungus

Some treatment options include topical solutions and oral medication. Topical solutions have a very low success rate. This is because the solution does not penetrate all the way under the nail bed. Oral medication has a better success rate. Although, they can cause liver toxicity. You would need constant blood tests while taking the medication. 

Laser Treatment for Nail Fungus

If you have caught nail fungus as well, it can be easily treated using the FDA-approved PinPointe laser, which typically only takes on treatment. 

Our toenail doctor in Rochester Hills, MI recommends this treatment. The PinPointe Laser treatment has the highest cure rate in the market. It has no side effects and no recovery period. As a result, you can go about your daily activities right after the treatment. Also, it is not painful.

If you have any signs of nail fungus, call us at (800) 672-0625 or visit our website for more information on our doctors at one of our over 160 locations.
