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Elderly Nail Fungus

Softening Thick Fungal Nails At Home

Aging can cause many difficulties including elderly nail fungus. Generally the elderly have a lower immune system than younger people. And this makes elderly people more likely to contract the fungus. It also makes recurrence of nail fungus more likely post receiving treatment.

Signs of Elderly Nail Fungus

Generally, symptoms of toenail fungus infection will include the following:

  • discoloration of nail (yellow, brown, white)
  • thickened nails
  • crumbling nails
  • brittle nails
  • ridged/misshapen nails

Nail fungus usually starts off small and unassuming. Maybe a small white or yellow spot under the toenail or fingernail. Then the fungus advances and grows which can make the nail can turn yellow, brown, even black becoming thick and hard. What’s worse is the nail can even start flaking and crumbling which can cause pain.

Who can get Nail fungus?

People can get nail fungus at any age. But here’s why the older you are, the more at risk you are to nail fungus. Decreased blood circulation, natural growth of thickened and slow-growing nails, and age-related ailments like diabetes are all common sources of obtaining nail fungus. Not to mention that as we age our immune system and our bodies’ natural ability to fight infection and bacteria severely weakens making us prime targets for nail fungus.

Runners, gym-goers, power walkers, pretty much anyone constantly active and on the move is at risk of nail fungus due to the amount of pressure they place on their toes mixed with keeping their feet in an enclosed dark, warm, and moist environment, which is nail fungus’ favorite place to grow.

Keeping up our health as we age should be your top priority. If you have a family member or housemate with nail fungus your chances of catching the fungus skyrocket. Nail fungus is extremely infectious. To avoid nail fungus, especially with growing age, you need to be proactive and fight fungus early on. There are an endless amount of different creams and protective nail lacquers you can utilize preemptively. Fight fungus early on and you shouldn’t have to worry about any infections with your growing age!

However, once you do catch nail fungus, the efficacy of such products reaches a steep decline. At this point, the most effective treatment for your nail fungus is using the FDA-approved PinPointe laser. To cure your nail fungus, you can schedule a free consultation with a doctor at one of over 120 locations by calling 1-(800) 672-0625, or going to
