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Why Bleach Won’t Cure Your Fungus

Bleach is one of many home remedies for the fungus that can be found on the internet. This treatment, like all other home remedies, won’t cure fungal infections of the nails. Of the multitude of DIY fungal treatments you can find, bleach is pretty much the worst. Using this chemical on your nails won’t cure your fungus. However, it will create a risk of severe and even permanent damage to your toe.

Bleach treatment for toenail fungus is a myth. Because this is a potent cleaning chemical, sometimes people can make the honest mistake of thinking it will “clean” the fungus out from their nails. However, it will actually just irritate the skin of your toe. 

Bleach’s purpose

Bleach and other cleaning products like this aren’t meant to be used on your skin is against the manufacturer’s instructions and could lead to damage. Chemical burns are even possible. If your injuries aren’t this extreme, your toe will still feel more irritated and sore than it did before you put the bleach on it

Bleach is also an ineffective remedy, even with the negatives that come with it. This chemical will not “clean” the fungus from underneath your nail. It doesn’t have any properties to cure your fungus. Any mild antifungal properties this chemical may have are outweighed by the downsides. Even topical antifungal medications, which can take more than a year to see any results (and even then are ineffective) are a better option. At the very least, over-the-counter or prescription topical antifungals are much safer than bleach.

Treatment options to help cure your fungus

Putting bleach on your skin should be avoided at all costs. If you are looking for a treatment to cure your fungus, you should receive it from a licensed podiatrist. Whatever treatment they recommend to you should be safer than using bleach. However, not all treatments are the same, and some medications can come with the risk of liver toxicity. The PinPointe Laser is a completely safe alternative that doesn’t have any risk of side effects. To schedule a consultation with a licensed podiatrist for the PinPointe laser, give us a call at 1-(800) 672-0625 or visit our website for more information. 
