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Applying Bleach To Toenail Fungus

Applying bleach to toenail fungus is not recommended and could lead to serious health complications. Because toenail fungus is an often frustrating condition to treat, it can be tempting to try various methods you find online to attempt to get rid of it once and for all. Some of these methods aren’t too harmful, but many of them go against general medical advice. It is best to stay informed on potential complications from home remedies, and any treatment you are attempting for any medical condition. This way, you can avoid making a mistake that will cause you pain and suffering. As always, you should also consult your doctor about risks before you receive any sort of medical treatment.

Why you should not use bleach as a treatment

Applying bleach to toenail fungus is dangerous because of the bleaching chemical itself. This chemical is very toxic and is solely designed to be used on surfaces that are durable enough to handle it. Bleach is harsh for necessary reasons; it needs to be this way so that it can properly clean surfaces. Grime, dirt, and bacteria are often tough to remove from things like kitchen countertops and bathrooms.

Because bleach is so potent, it is capable of dissolving this dirt and grime to clean these surfaces. Human skin is much more sensitive to chemicals like bleach and can be seriously harmed by the application of these chemicals.

Applying bleach to your toenails will likely cause irritation and damage to your skin that can even end up as a chemical burn. Chemical burns occur when toxic chemicals are applied to the skin and damage it enough to cause an injury. When severe, they can even cause long-term damage to the skin. To avoid chemical burns, you need to be very careful with what chemicals you allow to touch your skin.

Nail Doctor’s Recommendations

No medical professional recommends treating yourself with bleach, since this chemical is not designed for medical treatment. This is a prime example of why it is best to take things you learn on the internet with caution and do your own investigation before coming to conclusions.

Applying bleach to the toes is not only dangerous but ineffective at treating fungal infections. Bleach is not an effective antifungal agent, and won’t do much to cure the condition. For one, bleach won’t effectively penetrate through the nail into the nail bed where the fungus resides. If the bleach can’t even get to where the fungus is, it won’t be able to kill the fungal spores. Additionally, any bleach that does get into the nail bed isn’t very effective at killing it. Bleach trapped under your nail is also a recipe for a chemical burn.

Applying bleach to toenail fungus is one of many proposed “treatments” that can have negative side effects. For example, prescription oral antifungal medications contain compounds that can be very toxic to the liver.

It is during this passage that they can have harmful effects. Using these medications can cause liver toxicity and damage. This is especially dangerous for patients who have pre-existing conditions that affect liver function. Blood screenings for liver functionality are often required for these treatments.

Laser Treatment for Toenail Fungus

The dangers of applying bleach to toenail fungus and other treatments available for the condition can be scary. Other treatments are available readily like topical medications, however, these tend to be very weak and ineffective, and may leave you frustrated. However, there are much safer treatments available that are actually much more effective as well.

For example, the PinPointe laser is the gold standard of toenail fungus treatment. It requires one treatment to completely eliminate the fungus from the nail bed.

This is a much better option than any other treatment on the market since it puts your body at significantly less risk. This treatment is best when performed by a licensed podiatrist, who are doctors that specialize in the feet and ankle. A podiatrist will be able to diagnose and treat your toenail fungus and avoid chemical burns from at-home treatments like bleach. To learn more about toenail fungus, visit our Onychomycosis FAQ page here. You can schedule a free consultation with one of our licensed podiatrists by calling us at 800-672-0625 or submitting an inquiry on our website.
