4 04 / 2022

Toenail Fungus Smells like Cheese

By |2022-04-04T11:21:14-07:00April 4th, 2022|

Toenail fungus smells like cheese and that can be uncomfortable for you and others. Have your toenail or feet ever smelled like cheese? People sometimes smell cheese smell from their feet when they have toenail fungus. The cause of this smell is bacteria. Bacteria is the cause of the Cheesy Smell The bacteria that is [...]

18 03 / 2022

Thick Nail Fungus Toenails

By |2022-03-18T10:36:34-07:00March 18th, 2022|

Thick nail fungus toenails are a common symptom. If you see that your toenails are thick or have undergone other changes, this may be a sign of a fungal infection. During an infection, the fungus may grow under the nail bed, resulting in your toenail growing thick. It is important to get treated once you [...]

5 03 / 2022

Nail Fungus Abnormalities

By |2022-03-05T08:42:05-08:00March 5th, 2022|

Nail fungus abnormalities are common symptoms. Healthy nails should be smooth and have consistent health color. As we grow older, nails may become brittle or develop ridges. Some people may develop abnormalities on their nails, such as spots, discoloration, and deformities. These abnormalities may be caused by injuries, infections, or medications. Here are common nail [...]

4 03 / 2022

Manicure Warnings for Nail Fungus

By |2022-03-04T11:34:14-08:00March 4th, 2022|

Manicure warnings for nail fungus should be known by people who have nail fungus. A lot of people enjoy relaxing at a nail salon. It may seem harmless, but you have to be wary of the nail salon that you go to and how they clean their tools. You’ll never know when someone at your [...]