toenail fungus treatment

The Largest Toenail Fungus Treatment Center in the U.S.

148 Clinics- Same Safe Laser Treatment

Toenail fungus treatment using our FDA-cleared Foot Laser is the most effective way to remove toenail fungus. Toenail fungus laser treatment attacks the fungus without damaging the nail or the surrounding skin. Unlike systemic oral treatment, the laser treatment penetrates under the nail to reach the fungus without affecting your entire body.

Laser Nail Therapy podiatrists (foot doctors) specialize in toenail fungus laser treatment. Our experienced doctors have successfully treated thousands of toenail fungus patients using PinPointe FootLaser. This advanced needle-free treatment is painless and has no side effects.

Toenail Fungus Laser Treatment Done by Doctors

Toenail fungus laser treatment will give you the confidence to expose your feet again. Our foot doctors focus exclusively on toenail fungus removal and treated thousands of toenail fungus patients. Our podiatrists serve Los Angeles, New York City, Dallas, Houston, Boston,Chicago, Miami, Phoenix and over 100 other cities. Click here for a list of our locations. The foot doctors of Laser Nail Therapy offer state-of-the-art toenail fungus laser treatment, combined with first rate patient care. Most of our locations are open 7 days a week from 9am to 9pm.

Pinpointe Foot Laser toenail fungus treatment is a major breakthrough, bringing new hope to millions of patients. Our experienced foot doctors have successfully treated tens of thousands of patients with toenail fungus, in over 140 locations across the U.S. and Canada. Contact us if you would like to hear how our foot doctors can help treat your toenail fungus.

Toenail Fungus Treatment Options

Toenail Fungus infections are unsightly and embarrassing. The infected nails become yellow, thick and hard to cut. Although toenail fungus infections are common, they can be very difficult to treat. Until recently, the most common treatments for toenail fungus were oral pills or topical creams. However, both treatments have major disadvantages. The oral treatment can cause liver toxicity, while the topical treatment is very ineffective- the medicine simply cannot penetrate through the thick nail. But several years of research gave birth to a much safer solution: The PinPointe Foot Laser. This safe and painless toenail fungus laser treatment has proven to be a very effective cure for toenail fungus and fingernail fungus.

Toenail Fungus Explained

Toenail fungus is a fungal infection of the nail and nail bed. This is different from athlete’s foot in which the fungus infects the skin of the feet. About half of the fungal infections occur as a result of nail disorders. Therefore, the infection is much more common under sick or deformed toenails.

Toenail Fungus infection is usually very persistent and requires complicated treatment to restore clear nails. In addition, Toenail Fungus Infections may cause embarrassment because of the deformed nails. Toenail Fungus signs include a thickened nail plate or nail bed, yellow discoloration of the nails, foot pain and foot odor (see our blog “Why Does Toenail Fungus Smell Like Cheese”). The nails often become thick and fragile and can detach from the nail bed.

Nail fungus usually starts at the tip of the toenail or fingernail. The infection then spreads to the other end of the nail, towards the nail bed. Finally, the fungal infection spreads to other toenails, but rarely infects all of them. Candida and Dermatophytes are the most common fungi causing nail infections. Individuals with a weak immune system, such as diabetic patients and elderly people, are more susceptible to toenail fungus.

Podiatrists Explain About the Dangers of Toenail Fungus

Toenail fungus infection results in thick and yellow toenails, but may also cause other more serious complications. Toenail fungus can cause foot pain. The foot pain usually gets worse when the infection spreads from one infected nail to the other. Another embarrassing symptom of toenail fungus is “nails with cheese smell” resulting from fungi debris under the nail. In addition, fungus sheds from the nail and spreads all over your house. This fungus shedding can cause toenail infections to other members of your household. Therefore, the biggest danger is hurting the people you love.

For these reasons our podiatrists recommend starting toenail fungus laser treatment as soon as possible. Our podiatrists diagnose and cure thousands of nail fungus patients every year. Contact us to learn about our toenail fungus laser treatment and how our foot doctors can help you get healthy, clear, fungus-free nails.

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toenail fungus treatment pictures, Before and After toenail fungus laser treatment

Toenail Fungus Treatment Results
  • Unmatched expertise – our foot doctors cure over 5000 toenail fungus patients per month

  • Our foot doctors do not use toxic anti-fungal medications

  • No need for 12 week course of oral medications

  • No pain or recovery period

  • Usually only one treatment required for clear nails

  • The laser light targets the fungus under the nail and does not harm the nail or surrounding skin

  • Open 7 days a week

  • Unmatched expertise – our foot doctors cure over 1200 nail fungus patients per month

  • No toxic anti-fungal medications required

  • Our foot doctors do not use toxic anti-fungal medications

  • No anesthesia; no recovery period

  • Usually only one treatment required for clear nails

  • The laser light targets the fungus under the nail and does not harm the nail or surrounding skin