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Bleaching Away Fungal Infections

eliminate nail fungus with doctor

Bleaching away fungal infections can be dangerous and ineffective. Bleaching any part of your body is likely to cause irritation and discomfort. Despite this, some websites recommend using this type of bleach to cure toenail fungus. This is a bad idea and is not recommended by podiatrists. Using bleach will harm your toe, and could make your fungus worse.

Dangers of Bleaching

Bleaching toenail fungus may seem effective because the chemical is a cleaning product. The misconception that toenail fungus is caused by dirt is untrue. Despite the change in the aesthetic appearance of the nail caused by the infection, your nails are not dirty.

By bleaching your toes, you’re exposing your skin to dangerous chemicals. These chemicals aren’t designed for medical or topical use and require gloves to handle them safely. As a result, when these chemicals come into contact with the skin, they can cause dangerous reactions and even chemical burns. 

Laser for Toenail Fungus

Bleaching away fungal infections isn’t an effective solution, there are other ways to be cured. Although, it is important to understand that your fungus isn’t going away overnight. Any treatment for fungus requires patience. After you’ve eliminated all of the fungi from under your nail, you will still need to wait for a new healthy nail to grow back in. Depending on your individual rate of nail growth, a fully clear nail should grow within 6-9 months. 

The fastest way to treat toenail fungus is by getting the PinPointe laser done. As a result, this laser is FDA-approved and typically only requires one session to eliminate the fungus from under your nail. After this, you can start to see a new healthy nail grow in. To schedule a consultation with a licensed podiatrist for the PinPointe laser, give us a call at 1-(800) 672-0625 or visit our website for more information.
