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Fighting Toenail Fungus

Fighting toenail fungus can be a long and difficult process. The use of garlic to treat fungal infections has been in practice for generations. It’s been known to be effective in treating hard-to-reach places making it stand out against other home remedies. The reason most doctors and medical treatments are unable to fully cure some fungal infections is because of their hard-to-reach areas, making garlic your best-kept weapon!

So how exactly do you apply garlic to your nails? Start by applying a warm compress against the affected area. This will open the pores on the skin which will attract the fungus to the surface. Fungai loves hot and moist environments and is naturally drawn to these conditions.

Apply one clove of mashed garlic to the affected area with a cotton ball, apply medical tape and wrap it around the toe so the gauze stays fixed. Replace with a clean dressing every three to five hours. Do not reuse the same garlic, only use freshly mashed garlic!

Another thing that you can do to maximize the healing properties found in garlic is eaten! Combat the fungus internally and externally, don’t give it a chance! Try to eat at least one clove daily, eating the extra clove will give the garlic more potency.

Laser Treatment for Nail Fungus

If you think you have a nail fungus, you should seek out an FDA-approved treatment with a licensed podiatrist. The best treatment option is the PinPointe laser, which only requires one session to kill the fungus.

Our nail doctor in Orlando, FL recommends this laser treatment. The PinPointe Laser treatment has the highest cure rate. It has no side effects and no recovery period. As a result, you can go about your daily activities right after the treatment. Also, it is not painful. To schedule a consultation for the PinPointe laser treatment with a podiatrist, give us a call at 1-(800) 672-0625 or visit our website for more information.
