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Fingernail Fungus

getting rid of hard and thick nails

Fingernail fungus is easily noticeable. While toenail fungus is a common condition, finding it on your fingernails is definitely rarer. Toenail fungus spreads easily because of the moist dark environment in shoes, and because of public areas where it is commonplace to walk barefoot like locker rooms. Fingernail fungus is less common because the hand is usually dry and exposed to light. This makes it harder for fungus to infect the nail bed and spread, but not impossible. 

Fingernail Fungus

When fingernail fungus infects your nail, it can lead to unsightly changes in the nail’s appearance that are usually very visible. Fingernail fungus is caused by the same fungus as the one that causes toenail fungus. Because of this, there are many similarities between the two conditions. They both usually start with discoloration of the nail, including white spots or lines. As the condition progresses, this discoloration can become yellow, brown, or black and cover the entire nail. The nail can also become brittle, cracked, and thickened. In some cases, the nail will develop an odor or even lift up from the nail bed.

Fingernails require different treatment than toenail fungus. Because toenail fungus is an issue with the feet, the best doctor to provide treatment is a licensed podiatrist. Podiatrists are only licensed to work below the knee, so they aren’t able to provide treatment for fingernail fungus. While there are different treatments available for fingernail fungus, you should seek out an FDA-approved treatment by a doctor or nurse that specializes in the treatment.

Laser Treatment for Fungus

The PinPointe Laser is the gold standard for fungus treatment and only requires one session to kill the fungus. The laser is more effective than other options like oral medication. It has the highest cure rate on the market. Topical solutions have a low success rate. This is because the solution does not penetrate under the nail. All the fungus has to die in order to be cured. Oral medications are more effective but can lead to liver toxicity. Also, underlying health conditions can be more dangerous to patients. 

Our nail doctor in San Francisco, CA recommends the PinPointe laser treatment. It has no side effects and no recovery period. As a result, you can go about your daily activities right after the treatment. Also, it is not painful. To schedule a consultation with a doctor for fingernail fungus, give us a call at 1-(800) 672-0625 or visit our website for more information.
