7 04 / 2022

Fingernail and Toenail Fungus Infection

By |2022-04-07T10:48:58-07:00April 7th, 2022|

Fingernail and toenail fungus infection is more common than you might think. Toenail and fingernail fungus is widely prevalent, affecting adults of all ages, and sometimes children. Toenail fungus is the more common. Nail Fungus The fungus is microscopic. As a result, you can’t see it with a naked eye. Unless it overgrows. As a [...]

17 03 / 2022

Discoloration of nails with Nail Fungus

By |2022-03-17T07:24:34-07:00March 17th, 2022|

Discoloration of nails with nail fungus is a common symptom. Yellow nails can be caused by numerous factors and indicate different things about you and your nail’s health. As a result, there are many infections and diseases that discolor the nails. Furthermore, it is often an indication of an infection in the body.  Some of [...]

4 03 / 2022

Manicure Warnings for Nail Fungus

By |2022-03-04T11:34:14-08:00March 4th, 2022|

Manicure warnings for nail fungus should be known by people who have nail fungus. A lot of people enjoy relaxing at a nail salon. It may seem harmless, but you have to be wary of the nail salon that you go to and how they clean their tools. You’ll never know when someone at your [...]

4 03 / 2022

Yellow Nails with Toenail Fungus

By |2022-03-04T11:30:21-08:00March 4th, 2022|

Yellow nails with toenail fungus are a common symptom. Your nails turning yellow might be your body’s way of saying that something is wrong. Your nails indicate changes in your health over time. If your nails turn yellow, it may be due to a nail polish stain or an underlying disease. Read further to find [...]