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Risks Of DIY Toenail Fungus Bleach

There are many risks of DIY toenail fungus bleach. DIY toenail fungus bleach is a very risky and unadvised treatment to try at home. It has the potential to cause severe and lasting damage to the entire toe and foot. This includes the nail itself, the skin of the toe, and the skin of the foot. Chemical burns are a very common symptom of damage from using bleach on the skin. In other words, it comes into contact with harsh chemicals like cleaning products. These chemicals need to be used as the label instructions. say Even then, they need to be used very carefully.

DIY Bleach

DIY toenail fungus bleach may seem easy because blogs and articles online recommend it. However, the people that are recommending them are not nail doctors. They don’t know the proper way to treat toenail fungus. One huge reason contributing to their ineffectivity is the severe lack of proper medical research.

Actually, all treatments for toenail fungus will have minimal good effects on the condition. Receiving proper medical care from a nail doctor will always be the better option. Many of these at home treatments are actually extremely dangerous. They don’t have any research backing them at all and are very likely to cause severe damage to your body. As discussed earlier, some toenail fungus blogs may recommend using bleach on the nails to cure toenail fungus infection. However, medical professionals like podiatrists as well as the actual manufacturers of bleach do NOT recommend trying this out; you are likely to cause much more harm than good!

Chemical Dangers

The chemical properties of bleach itself are where the danger in attempting DIY toenail fungus bleach lies. Bleach is actually very strong. This quality is necessary in order to powerfully dissolve substances that are lying on bathroom floors, showers, and countertops. Stains are notoriously hard to remove. This is why cleaning chemicals with the force of bleach have been developed to remove them. The risks of DIY toenail fungus bleach are extreme.

Burns from Bleach Treatment

DIY toenail fungus bleach will lead to different levels of damage. This depends on multiple factors which include how long the bleach was on the skin. Chemical burns develop to a worse stage as the chemical and the skin touch for a longer amount of time. This causes bleach skin contact to increase before the chemical is washed off. Additionally, the concentration of the bleach will increase the level of burn significantly as it becomes more and more concentrated. Proper protection and handling of bleach are also necessary even when using the bleach for its intended purposes.

Chemical burns from DIY toenail fungus bleach can be avoided by getting appropriate medical attention instead. Toenail fungus infections are best treated by nail doctors. These doctors specialize in treating issues of the feet. Many treatments available for toenail fungus aren’t very effective. And some of them can even have serious risks of harmful side effects.

Treatment for toenail fungus should be safe so that you can be cured without risk. The PinPointe laser is an FDA-approved treatment for the fungus that only requires one session to eliminate fungus. To learn more about the PinPointe laser technology and schedule a free consultation with one of our podiatrists, visit our about us website here.
