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Locker Rooms and Toenail Fungus

The locker rooms can be a place to get toenail fungus. Because toenail fungus is extremely contagious, this condition can easily spread between people in close physical contact with each other. This means that people who spend time together may be at risk of infecting each other with toenail fungus. This contagious spread happens when the fungus latches onto surfaces like floors or blankets from the infected person’s toes. The fungal spread is common between people with close relationships. Also, public areas can also carry a risk of spreading the fungus. Locker rooms are one of the most common places where this spread occurs.

What to do in locker rooms?

Locker rooms are the perfect place for fungus to breed and grow. The fungus that is responsible for these infections thrives in dark, damp environments. Locker room floors are perfect for this because of how frequently they are walked on with sweaty feet. Fungal spores can latch onto the floor of locker rooms and use this surface to find a new host.

Because locker rooms are often walked on by people with no shoes or socks, any person who has a fungus and uses the locker rooms will likely spread it to other people. The locker rooms can be a place to get toenail fungus. Athletes who work out frequently are at a higher risk of having fungus in the first place since the fungus is more likely to grow and thrive on feet that are regularly sweaty. Locker rooms are therefore the perfect combination of a collection of people who are contagious for fungus and a damp environment for fungus to thrive. 

Laser Treatment

Our nail doctor in Austin, TX recommends the PinPointe Laser treatment. The best way to avoid catching or spreading fungus in a locker room is to always wear some sort of shoe. Never let your feet touch the floor of the locker room without some barrier of protection, like sandals. If you do have a toenail fungus, the best thing to do is receive an FDA-approved treatment from a licensed podiatrist.

The laser has the highest cure rate in the market. There are no side effects and no recovery period. You can go back to your daily activities right after the treatment. The PinPointe Laser is the best of these treatments and only requires one session to eliminate the fungus from under your nails. To schedule a consultation with a licensed podiatrist for the PinPointe laser treatment, give us a call at 1-(800) 672-0625 or visit our website for more information.
