20 09 / 2022

Toenail Fungus Laser Treatment in St. Louis, MO

By |2022-09-20T11:29:00-07:00September 20th, 2022|

Let Laser Nail Therapy find you the most qualified doctor for you. We specialize in Toenail Fungus Laser Treatment in St. Louis, MO. Do you sleep with your socks on? Are you afraid to wear sandals because of discolored toenails? Do you hesitate to go barefoot? Do you never take off your shoes when you [...]

25 08 / 2022

Fungal Toenails Treatment in Seattle

By |2022-08-25T07:41:48-07:00August 25th, 2022|

At Laser Nail Therapy we specialize in Fungal Toenails Treatment in Seattle, WA. Our licensed and experienced podiatrists use the state of the art laser technology to eliminate the stubborn problem of toenail fungus. Our treatment begins with a comprehensive examination of the patient. During this appointment, if you wish to proceed with treatment you [...]

31 03 / 2022

Nail Fungus Common in Athletes

By |2022-03-31T08:25:08-07:00March 31st, 2022|

Why is nail fungus common in athletes? Although everyone has the possibility to get a fungal nail infection, athletes are more likely to get toenail fungus than others. Knowing the reasons why athletes are more prone to toenail fungus will help you understand the cause of fungal nail infection and how to prevent it. Here [...]

29 03 / 2022

Nail Fungus vs Bacteria

By |2022-03-29T10:15:16-07:00March 29th, 2022|

Nail fungus vs bacteria have many differences. Although we are always surrounded by various kinds of fungi, bacteria, and other microorganisms no matter how clean we are, not everyone has his/her toes infected - this is because their immune system prevents those microorganisms from overgrowth on your toes. However, when your immune defense becomes weaker, [...]