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Smelly Toenail Clippings

smelly toenail treatment

Smelly toenail clippings are an indication that there is a medical issue with your toenails. Because a smelly odor from the foot is usually caused by sweat and dirt, an odor coming from the toenails themselves is unusual. The most common reason for smelly toenails is a toenail fungus infection. Toenail fungus is a common condition that is very contagious. It is easily caught in locker rooms, public pools, and other public places. Also, nail salons are notorious for spreading toenail fungus between clients. 

Smelly Toes

Having smelly toenail clippings means that the nail itself is the origin of the smell. Commonly, these fungally infected clippings will smell like cheese. Because cutting your toenails exposes the under portion of your nail to the air, the smell will often be worse while clipping your nails than throughout the day.

Smelly toenail clippings mean that you should look into treatment for the fungus underneath your nails. Treating the fungus itself will be the most effective way of clearing the smell up. If you are suffering from the smell under your toenails, you should receive medical attention from a podiatrist. They are the best doctors to see for this issue since they specialize in the treatment of the foot and ankle. 

smelly cheese toenails

Treatment Options

Curing your smelly toenail clippings will come with other benefits as well. Once the fungus is treated, you should see an improvement in the appearance of your nails as well. The fungus causes nails to become discolored, cracked, brittle, and thickened. After eliminating the fungus, a new healthy nail will start to grow behind the old damaged one.

The best treatment available for toenail fungus is the PinPointe laser. Other treatments have dangerous side effects like liver toxicity, but the PinPointe laser is completely safe, even for pregnant women. To schedule a consultation with a licensed podiatrist for the PinPointe laser, give us a call at 1-(800) 672-0625 or visit our website for more information.
