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Sweaty Feet and Toenail Fungus

smelly toenail treatment

Sweaty feet can cause toenail fungus. Toenail fungus is a very contagious condition that is easily spread from person to person. There is nothing you can do to completely eliminate all risk of catching a toenail fungus. There are definitely some steps you can take to reduce risk. Sweaty feet are a culprit in helping nail fungus infect your nails, so there are some things you should know about how to handle them.

Why can sweaty feet lead to toenail fungus?

Nail fungus thrives in dark, damp environments. Because the nails are often contained inside dark, tight shoes and socks, this helps the fungus to thrive and grow. Additionally, sweaty feet can make the environment in the shoe damp, also helping any nail fungus infect the toe and grow. Sweaty feet are often unavoidable, especially for people who do a lot of heavy exercise or sporting activities.

Additionally, some people suffer from chronically sweaty feet just because their feet naturally sweat a lot. Excessive sweat is also more common in very hot or humid environments. However, there are some steps you can take to minimize the risk that sweaty feet incur.

The first is to make sure that you always change your shoes immediately after exercising. Sweaty socks and shoes should never be kept on the foot for a long period of time, so make sure to change into a clean pair of socks and shoes. The best thing to do is to change into a pair of open-toe shoes like sandals after physical activity. If your feet are prone to sweating or you live in a hot environment, try to wear open-toe shoes as much as possible.

It is also essential that you wash your socks between each wear. Finally, if you are worried about toenail fungus because of your sweat, you can invest in an antifungal shoe spray to disinfect your shoes between wears. Topical solutions are also used to try and get rid of toenail fungus. They typically have a 5 to 10 percent cure rate. This is because the topical solutions do not kill all the fungus. It has to penetrate all the way through the nail to kill all the fungus under the nail bed. 

Laser Treatment for Fungus

If you think you have a toenail fungus, the best thing to do is seek out an FDA approved treatment with a licensed podiatrist. The PinPointe laser is the best treatment on the market and typically only requires one treatment to cure fungus.

Our nail doctor in Miami, FL recommends the PinPointe Laser treatment. This laser treatment has the highest cure rate in the market. It has no side effects and no recovery period. Therefore, you can go about your daily activities right after. Also, it is not painful. To schedule a consultation with a licensed podiatrist for the PinPointe laser treatment, give us a call at 1-(800) 672-0625 or visit our website for more information.
