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Toenail Fungus Removal

Toenail fungus removal is not considered a good treatment option for toenail fungus. People might think that removing the toenail might get rid of toenail fungus but it is not that simple. Toenail removal does not kill fungus. This is why our nail doctors do not recommend toenail removal for toenail fungus. Our nail doctors recommend laser treatment as it is not a surgery. Also, this treatment option is not traumatic and does not damage the nail or the surrounding skin.

Toenail Fungus

Toenail fungus is often stubborn and can persist through different treatment attempts. If you’ve had toenail fungus for a long time, you may be looking into removing the toenail completely. This is usually a last-ditch attempt to cure toenail fungus when other treatment options have failed. Nail removal for fungus involves a surgery where the entire nail is removed from the nail bed so that a new, healthy nail can grow. This does not kill the fungus that is on your nail bed. This is why it is not effective at all.

Nail removal is a last resort for a reason. This procedure comes with a recovery period, as do all surgeries. During this recovery period, many patients experience pain and discomfort from the trauma done to the nail bed. It can take weeks for the nail bed to fully heal, and you may have to stop physical activity for that period of time or longer. You can expect some bleeding after the surgery and may need to change your bandages frequently. Nail removal is clearly no joke, but some patients are willing to go through this procedure with the hopes of finally curing their fungus.

Laser Treatment for Toenail Fungus

The PinPointe laser is your best option to cure your toenail fungus. This laser is FDA-approved and has no side effects. You will not feel any pain and there you can go about your daily activities right after the treatment. The PinPointe laser has a cure rate of 85 percent. This is the highest cure rate in the market. Complete nail removal causes damage to the toe and nail bed and it can take up to 18 months to see a fully clear nail grow back in. While PinPointe patients see that in typically 6-9 months. Our nail doctors will consult you and recommend the best treatment option. To schedule an appointment for the laser treatment, give us a call at 1-(800) 672-0625 or visit our website for more information.
