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Toenail Fungus: The Myth of Bleach

There are many treatment possibilities when it comes to curing toenail fungus. Unfortunately, the internet is home to many toenail fungus solutions that just don’t work. One of these toenail fungus “solutions” is bleach. It is a myth that bleach can kill bacterial infections, ringworms, poison ivy irritation, and cure nail fungus. In fact, Clorox bleach can actually cause a skin infection if you pour it on your skin, and it might even result in a painful chemical burn.

This should make perfect sense. If the intended use for something is not the way you are using it, this probably means that you shouldn’t use it at all. The intended use for bleach is not treating fungus. As such, if anyone recommends bleach to you to treat toenail fungus, you should kindly decline the recommendation and seek out the advice of a physician instead. If you don’t, serious consequences could occur.

What is toenail fungus?

Nail Fungus, also known as Dermatophytic Onychomycosis, can keep getting worse if not treated. Nail fungus is an infection that impacts a person’s nail bed. It is usually caused by factors such as walking around barefoot in public places like pools and showers, poor footwear, and old age. The worse the nail fungus gets, the harder it is to treat. Again, bleach will not cure fungus. Most other home remedies probably won’t successfully treat nail fungus either.

Treatment options for the fungus

Toenail fungus most certainly is treatable using other methods. It does, however, require knowledge of the situation and a lot of patience. If you want to see healthy toenails again, you need to make sure that the product you are using contains antifungal ingredients. Examples of antifungal ingredients include Tolnaftate and Undecylenic Acid. Keep in mind that bleach does not contain either of these ingredients.

Once you pick out a toenail fungus treatment option that you think will work, prepare yourself for a long toenail fungus treatment process. In addition to simply using the treatment, you will need to properly and consistently clean your toenails, as well as filing them down and clipping them. If you choose a topical fungus treatment option, make sure you let it dry before you put your shoes or socks on your feet.

In summary, there are certainly ways to treat toenail fungus. Nail fungus is very contagious so you’ll want to find a treatment option as soon as possible. You just have to take the time to find the best option for you. Bleach can be dangerous so it is definitely not going to be the best toenail fungus treatment option.

Our doctors, typically recommend going with laser treatment for nail fungus. This treatment has zero side effects and has the highest cure rate compared to all other treatment options. Call us today to schedule your free consultation to visit our doctors near you. 
